Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is an act of obedience, in which a believer identifies with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, and is requisite for church membership. This outward expression of what God has done in a person’s life serves to demonstrate that an individual has placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Jesus is our example for living. As He began His public ministry, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, so one aspect of baptism is following Jesus’ example. In addition to following Jesus’ example, we also follow His command. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus tells the disciples to go into the world and to teach and to baptize. In this command, Jesus tells the disciples to baptize “in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” So Christians are to be baptized to follow the example of Jesus and to follow His commands.