Our VAlues

Children are a priority to Jesus; so, they are a priority to us.

“Hear, Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. And you shall repeat them diligently to your sons and speak of them when you sit in your house, when you walk on the road, when you lie down, and when you get up. You shall also tie them as a sign to your hand, and they shall be as frontlets on your forehead. You shall also write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."

- Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Nursery Childcare

We provide nursery childcare during our morning services.

8:30am service - Infants through 4 years old
9:30am Sunday School - Bible Study Groups for every age
11:00am Service - Childcare for infants through 2 years old
*no childcare is currently available for the 6:15pm Service*

For more information, please contact Cyndi King.

OUR ministries

Preschool: 3-4 Y/O
No one is too young to learn the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We know children learn best when they are having FUN in the process. Through creative programming and numerous special events, the children at MRBC have FUN learning about God's plan for their lives. For more info, contact Cyndi King - Preschool Minister - cyndikking@msn.com - 972-641-2717 ext. 203
K-6th Grade
The Children’s Ministry of Matthew Road Baptist Church seeks to introduce children to the Scripture, the inspired Word of God. Through handling Scripture with high regard as it points to the saving work of Jesus Christ, we teach the Bible as the whole story of God’s redemptive love to redeem His creation back to Himself. Based on Deuteronomy 6:4-9, the Children’s Ministry serves to disciple our children to LEARN the truths of God’s Word, LOVE the Lord Jesus Christ with all their heart, and to LIVE for Him. We also affirm that parents are the primary source of spiritual training for their children. We seek to encourage and affirm parents in this God-ordained role as they teach their children to know, love, and serve Jesus! For more info, Contact Jennifer Howard - Children's Minister - jennifer@matthewroad.org - 972-641-2717 ext. 202
Inclusion Ministry
Matthew Road will offer special guidance and attention for children with developmental or medical special needs so that they and their families can attend community group Bible studies and participate in this community of believers. This guidance/assistance is offered as needed during our Sunday morning community Bible study time at 9:45am and during our AWANA program on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm.

Learn More

Meeting Times


9:45 AM: Bible study classes are offered for each age group and grade. Preschool-6th are currently using The Gospel Project. Our teachers use an experiential approach in teaching children about the Bible.

11:00 AM: We offer childcare for 2 years and under during the service. Children that are 3 years old through Kindergarten will need to be picked up by a parent from Sunday School. They will attend "Big Church" during the welcome and Scripture reading. When it is time for Children's Church, they will be dismissed from the service, at which time they will enjoy age-appropriate Biblical teaching. We believe this allows the children to transition into attending Worship with their families when the time comes.

5:00 PM: For K-6th, we hold MD2. This is a time of games, large group lessons, and small group discussions. After game time, (outdoors if weather permitting), boys and girls meet separately. 

Sunday Bible Studies


Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM: During the school year, we offer AWANA for potty-trained-children 3 years old by September 1st through 6th grade. Children work on Scripture memorization, have a time of Bible study, and play fun games. Click here for more information. Childcare is provided for young ones 2 years and under. If your 3 year old is not potty trained, they will be welcomed into the nursery during this time.

During the summer, every Wacky Wednesday night is full of fun! Kids K-6th can come for a Bible study, water games, and popsicles! The Wacky Wednesday Bible study is written to correlate with the adult Bible study that is also taught during that time. Preschool also offers age-appropriate Bible teaching.


Other yearly events include:

  • Vacation Bible School - Offered to preschool children that are 4 by June 1st AND fully potty trained, through completed 6th grade.
  • Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat - annual free family events at the end of October. See the church calendar for more information.
  • Family Christmas Event - see the church calendar for more information.
  • Family Easter Event - see the church calendar for more information.
