2 Timothy 3:10 – 17

May 28, 2017

Series: Student Led Sunday

Passage: 2 Timothy 3:10-17

Speaker: Matt Brown

I.     Our lives exhibit the reality of our inner
character (vs. 10 – 13)


II.    Paul reminds Timothy of his foundation
(vs. 14 – 15)


III.   Paul points out the foundation of the Bible
       (vs. 16)


IV.   Paul lists four uses of Scripture in the
foundation and growth of all Christians (vs. 16)

  • Teaching – Teaching provide instruction
  • Rebuking– Rebuking points out sin and confronts it
  • Correcting – Correcting recognizes that someone has strayed from the truth.
  • Training in Righteousness – The Scripture gives guidance on how to mature in our faith.


V.    The goal of Scripture (vs. 17)


VI.  Application