A Persistent Prayer Of Thanksgiving

March 1, 2020

    Series: Christ Our All in All, A Study in Colossians

    Passage: Colossians 1:3-8

    Speaker: Daniel Sweet

    1. Paul’s Prayer for the Colossians Church
      1. TheGratitude Of Prayer: Giving Thanks
      2. The Trinidadian Nature Of Paul’s Prayer
    2. The Persistence of Prayer:
      Praying for You Always
    3. Faith, Hope, and Love
      (See 1 Corinthians 13:13)
      1. Faith in Christ Jesus
      2. Love for One Another
      3. Hope in Heaven
    4. The Impact Of the Gospel
      1. Constantly Bearing Fruit
      2. Increasing (Spread Broadly)
    5. The Nature Of the Gospel:
      Saving Faith in Christ
      1. Heard
      2. Understood
      3. Learned