A Variety of Gifts and Ministries but the Same Holy Spirit at Work, I Corinthians 12:4-11

November 1, 2015

Series: The Centrality of the Cross: A Study in 1 Corinthians

Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

Background: The difference between talents and spiritual gifts

Talents are natural, God-given abilities, honed by the individual through practice and discipline

Spiritual gifts are God-given abilities, honed by the Holy Spirit for divine purposes through practice and discipline

I.        Spiritual Gifting within the Congregation

          A.       The Variety of Spiritual Gifts

          B.       The Variety of Ministries

          C.      The Unifying Work of the Spirit in the Various Gifting and Ministry within the Congregation

          D.      The Purpose of Gifts: For the Common Good

II.      Use Your Gifts

          A.       To each one gifts are given, I Corinthians 12:7

          B.       A sample of gifts "through the Spirit" in I Corinthians 12

                    1.       The word of wisdom through the Spirit

                    2.       The word of knowledge

                    3.       Faith

                    4.       Gifts of healing

                    5.       The effecting of miracles

                    6.       Prophecy

                    7.       The distinguishing of spirits

                    8.       Various kinds of tongues

                    9.       The interpretation of tongues

                    10.     Apostles

                    11.     Prophets

                    12.     Teachers

                    13.     Helps

                    14.     Administration