Be Bond to the Integrity of Authentic Ministry; Do not be Bound Together with Unbelievers, Part 2

February 26, 2017

Series: Made New in Christ: A Study in 2 Corinthians

Passage: 2 Corinthians 6:11-7:16

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

I.   Be bound to Paul and his teaching because…, 6:11-13, 7:2-16
     A.  The truthfulness and openness of his message to them
     B.  Despite their response to him, his feelings for them as to children
     C.  The integrity of his ministry
     D.  His intense love for them
     E.  His great confidence in them for ongoing future life in Christ
     F.  His overflowing joy and comfort, despite his affliction, because of their repentant
          response to his letter
II.  Do not be bound to unbelievers, 6:14-7:1
     A.  Warnings and encouragements from I Corinthians

  • I Corinthians 5:9-12
  • I Corinthians 7:12-15, 39
  • I Corinthians 10:21
  • I Corinthians 14:22-24

     B.  Parallel New Testament passages

  • John 17:14-17
  • Ephesians 5:7-11
  • I John 1:6-7

     C.  Light and darkness in II Corinthians
     D.  Avoid fellowship, partnership, participation with unbelievers who live sinful, idolatrous lives
     E.  Old Testament illustration
     F.  Final admonition, let us cleanse and purify ourselves

  • From defilement of the flesh
  • From defilement of the spirit
  • Perfecting holiness in the fear of God