Bill Bright: A Passion for Sharing the Gospel

July 31, 2016

Series: Stealing Dead Men’s Words: Sermons from Church History

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

Stealing Dead Men’s Words: Sermons from Church History
Bill Bright: A Passion for Sharing the Gospel

  • Born in 1921 in Oklahoma
  • Came to faith in 1944
  • Married to Vonette in 1948
  • Started campus ministry at UCLA in 1949, later called Campus Crusade for Christ
  • In 1952 wrote the Gospel tract, “The Four Spiritual Laws”
  • Explo 1972 in Dallas and Explo 1974 in Korea
  • From 1975-1977 launched a city by city campaign called “Here’s Life America”
  • July 31, 1976 the Big Thompson River flooded, killing several Crusade staffers
  • In 1979 released the Jesus film
  • In 1980s turned his attention to worldwide evangelism and campus ministry outside of the US
  • Cru has approximately 25,000 missionaries in 191 countries, mostly involved with campus ministries
  • Died in 2003 at the age of 82


The Four Spiritual Laws

I.    Law One: God Loves You and Offers a Wonderful Plan for Your Life

  1. God’s Love, John 3:16
  2. God’s Plan, John 10:10

But why is it that most people are not experiencing the abundant life?

II.  Law Two: People are Sinful and Separated from God

  1. We are sinful, Romans 3:23
  2. We are Separated, Romans 6:23

But how can the separation between us and God be bridged?

III. Law Three:  Jesus Christ is God’s Only Provision for Our Sin.

  1. He died in our place, Romans 5:8
  2. He rose for the dead, I Cor. 15:3-6
  3. He is the only way to God, John 14:6

But it is not enough to know these first three laws

IV.  Law Four: We Must Individually Receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord

Only then can we know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives

  1. We must receive Christ, John 1:12
  2. We receive Christ through faith, Ep. 2:8-9
  3. We receive Christ by personal invitation, Revelation 3:20

You can receive Christ right now by faith through prayer.