Charles Spurgeon: Come to the Tomb of Jesus, Matthew 28:1-9

July 24, 2016

Series: Stealing Dead Men’s Words: Sermons from Church History

Passage: Matthew 28:1-9

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

Stealing Dead Men’s Words: Sermons from Church History
Charles Spurgeon: Come to the Tomb of Jesus, Matthew 28:1-9

  • Born in 1834 in Kelvedon, England
  • Came to faith in 1850 at the age of 15
  • Preached his first sermon in 1851 and became the pastor of a small Baptist church
  • At the age of 19 became pastor of New Park Street Chapel, the largest Baptist congregation in London
  • Married Susannah in January 1856
  • Preaching at Surrey Gardens  on October 19, 1856, a stampede that left several dead after someone yelled, “fire”
  • On October 7, 1857 he preached to over 23,000 people in London
  • In 1861, moved congregation to the Metropolitan Tabernacle with seating for 5,000 and standing room for another 1,000
  • Supported Hudson Taylor and China Inland Mission; founded a college and an orphanage
  • Died in 1892 after preaching over 3,500 sermons and publishing volumes of commentaries, books and devotionals 


I.    Come to the Tomb of Jesus

  1. The Invitation Given
  2. Come and See the Tomb of the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived
  3. Come and See the Tomb of the Greatest Friend You Have Ever Had
  4. Come and See for the Angels Bid You to Come


II.  The Examination Made

  1. A Costly Tomb
  2. A Borrowed Tomb
  3. A Never Used Tomb


III. The Heart Engaged

  1. A Heart of Deep Sorrow
  2. A Heart of Joy and Gladness