Episode 1: They Heard, They Saw, They Believed

September 8, 2019

    Series: From Zero to Hero

    Passage: Hebrews 1:1-3

    Speaker: Daniel Sweet


    There is a Creator and that changes everything, Hebrews 11:1-3

    1. The nature of faith, Hebrews 11:1 (see
      also Romans 8:24)
      1. Assurance of what was promised and
        the abiding hope of that promise
      2. Just as physical eyesight produces
        confidence in what is seen, faith
                    produces confidence even in that which
                    is not seen
    2. The examples of faith, Hebrews 11:2
      1. There are many examples of men and women in the Old Testament who had the promises of God, sometimes even without overwhelming visible evidence that these promises would ever be fulfilled; yet these promises meant so much to them that they altered the whole course of their lives in order to live purposefully for God and His promises.
    3. The fundamental object of our faith,
            Hebrews 11:3
      1. God created the visible universe
      2. God created the visible universe through
        His spoken Word
      3. God is the object of our faith, that He
        created all that we see, through His word
                    which we cannot see