Episode 2: They Heard and They Believed: Abel, Enoch and Noah

September 15, 2019

    Series: From Zero to Hero

    Passage: Hebrews 11:4-7

    Speaker: Daniel Sweet

    Authentic, Simple Faith
    Same Faith, Different Outcomes in this Life

    1. Abel:
      1. By faith Abel offered a sacrifice to God that pleased God
      2. His brother, Cain, made an offering to God that displeased God
      3. Cain killed Abel
      4. Despite Abel’s faithfulness, he was persecuted. Abel still speaks against injustice (see Genesis 4:10 and Hebrews 12:24)


    1. By faith Enoch walked every day
      with God
    2. By faith he received the reward he
      desired, to be with God

     III. Noah

    1. By faith Noah built an ark
    2. By faith he received salvation for him
      self and his family