God’s Law and Kingdom Citizens, and the Issue of Divorce; Matthew 5:31-32

May 15, 2016

Series: Sermon on the Mount: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Passage: Matthew 5:31-32

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

Background to Matthew 5:31-32

  • One of several statements by Jesus concerning marriage and one of several passages in the Bible concerning marriage
  • Putting together all the teachings about marriage, divorce, remarriage provides a more complete view of what the Bible teaches on the subject
  • Just as with the rest of the Sermon on the Mount, both God’s grace and God’s righteous standard must be upheld

I.   Old Testament Statements Concerning Divorce, Matthew 5:31

  • Original statement Deuteronomy 24:1; Similar to murder and adultery, the Pharisees’ application of this Old Testament Law fails to take seriously the righteous standards of God

II.  Jesus Explanation of this Old Testament Truth, Matthew 5:32

  • As with murder and adultery, Jesus gives a restatement of God’s intent
  • Not intended to be a complete discussion on divorce and remarriage, but to set in contrast the will of God to the prevailing low standards of righteousness in His day

III.    Practical conclusions

  • Jesus affirms the sanctity of marriage
  • If you are married, stay married
  • If your spouse dies, you are free to remarry
  • If you divorce, it is often best to remain single
    • Divorce should be used only in extreme circumstances that involve sexual immorality, protracted abandonment and/or threat to life
    • In these cases, it is still best to remain single, waiting prayerfully for reconciliation, but that individual could remarry
  • If you remarry, remain remarried
  • For all believers in Christ, grace covers our past, present and future decisions
  • With malice toward none, we must all pursue His righteous standards and cling to the grace that covers us

IV.  Closing: Jesus’ response to a multiple divorcee in John 4