How to Pray, Part 1; Matthew 6:5-15

June 12, 2016

Series: Sermon on the Mount: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Passage: Matthew 6:5-15

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

The Sermon on the Mount

How to Pray, Part 1; Matthew 6:5-15

I. Background: Structure of Matthew 6:1-18

  1. Giving to the Poor, 6:2-4
  2. Praying, 6:5-15
  3. Fasting, 6:16-18

II. Practical Helps for Our Prayer
     A.  Prayer and Relationship: Pray out of our love for 
            God and pray out of God’s love for us
            *  So when we pray we speak directly to God as we would a parent or friend

     B.  Prayer and Ministry: Pray out of our dependence on God and pray out of our      
          service for God
          *  So when we pray we pray for God’s priorities for us and our world

     C.  Prayer and Practice
          * Spontaneous and planned; Immediate need and prescribed lists; Individual and              corporate
          * Pray with the Scripture in mind

 III.  Do not pray like this, Matthew 6:5

       A.  Motivated by love of self

 IV.  Pray like this, Matthew 6:6

       A.  Motivated by love of God

       B.  Hyperbole on giving: “Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is
           *  Meaning: Be discrete about how we give money so that it meets needs and                    brings glory to God

       C.  Hyperbole on praying: “Go into your inner room, close your door and pray”
           *  Meaning: Be discrete about how we pray so
               reflects our relationship to God

       D.  There is eternal reward for the discipline of prayer