How to Pray, Part 5: Praying According to God’s Priorities; Matthew 6:11-15

July 10, 2016

Series: Sermon on the Mount: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Passage: Matthew 6:11-15

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

The Sermon on the Mount

How to Pray, Part 5: Praying According to God’s Priorities; Matthew 6:11-15


Reminder: Warnings from Matthew 6:5-9

  • Do not pray with a motive of love of self and the reward of others’ praise; Instead pray like Christ who is motivated by love of His Father and the Father’s reward
  • Do not pray by using meaningless repetition; Instead pray with a knowledge of the character of God

This Prayer as Model Not Liturgy

  • “Pray, then, in this way”
  • Luke 11:1, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples.”

Prayer and God’s Glory

  • Intimacy with God as Our Father
  • The holiness of God as we request that His name be hollowed
  • The priorities of God as we pray with His kingdom and will in our priorities

Prayer and Our Needs

  • Physical needs: “give us daily bread”
  • Spiritual needs: “forgive us”
    • Needs for guidance and protection: “lead us…deliver us…”

Warning from Matthew 5:14-15

  • Failure to Forgive