I Corinthians 15: An Introduction on the Resurrection

March 22, 2015

Series: The Centrality of the Cross: A Study in 1 Corinthians

Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

The Resurrection


I Corinthians 15:
An Introduction on the Resurrection

Context: Questions from the Corinthians Church Concerning the Resurrection of Believers in I Corinthians 15:12 and 35


  1. Fact, Christ was Raised from the Dead,
    I Corinthians 15:1-11
  2. The Gospel depends on it
  3. Scripture predicted it
  4. Apostles and many, many others
                    confirmed it
  5. Paul Himself was transformed by it
  6. Confronting Contradictions of the False
    Teachers, I Corinthians 15:12-34
  7. If the dead are not raised, then Christ
                    was not raised
  8. If Christ was not raised, all hope is lost
  9. Since Christ was raised, then all
                    believers in Christ will be raised
  10. If the dead are not raised, then why does
                    the Corinthian church do such behaviors
                    that are contradictory

III.   How are the Dead Raised and What Type of
       Bodies?  I Corinthians 15:35-58

  1. Resurrected bodies are different than our
                    current bodies
  2. Types of bodies analogy
  3. The Divine Victory in Raising up of
                    Believers in Christ