If God Is For Us, Who Is Against Us? Romans 8:31-34

May 17, 2015

Series: Romans: How Can Imperfect People Ever Be Right Before A Perfect God

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Passage: Romans 8:31-34

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

If God Is For Us, Who Is Against Us? Romans 8:31-34


  1. What shall we say to these things?  What things? ...
  2. No Condemnation in Christ, Romans 8:1-8
  3. Adopted into the Family of God, Romans 8:9-11
  4. The Verifying Work of God's Spirit, Romans 8:12-17
  5. The Purposeful Plan of God in Creation, Romans 8:18-22
  6. The Purposeful Plan of God in Us, Romans 8:23
  7. The Sustaining Help of Hope, Romans 8:24-25
  8. The Sustaining Help of God's Spirit, Romans 8:26-27
  9. The Work of God to Fulfill His Purposes in Us, Romans 8:28
  10. The Completed Work in Making Us Like Christ, Romans 8:29-30


  1. If God is for us, who is against us?

          Answer: No One Can Really Be Against Us!

  1. In light of all that God has done, Romans 8:1-30
  2. In light of the radical nature of God's work in accomplishing all of these things, Romans 8:32
  3. He did not spare His own Son
  4. He delivered Him over for us all
  5. If God would do that, He is for us, in all things
  6. How would someone dare to come against us? Romans 8:33-34
  7. Judgment
  8. Condemnation
  9. Christ is the One who answers these accusations on our behalf, Romans 8:34
  10. Consider His completed work, crucified and raised
  11. Consider His position, right hand of God
  12. Consider His ongoing work, intercedes for us