II Corinthians: An Introduction

August 14, 2016

Series: Made New in Christ: A Study in 2 Corinthians

Passage: 2 Corinthians 1:1-13:14

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

II Corinthians: An Introduction


I.    Paul's History in Corinth, Acts 18

  1. Trade capital of the Greek peninsula
  2. Also the most immoral city in the ancient world
  3. Paul came to Corinth on his second missionary 
  4. Paul met Priscilla and Aquila
  5. Paul spent 18 months, planting a church while
                working as a tent maker
  6. Paul finally left Corinth but stayed in close
                contact through a series of letters


II.   The First Letter Paul Wrote to the Church at Corinth

Theme: The Centrality of the Cross
Key Verses: I Corinthians 1:22-24
Major Discussions:

  1. The Centrality of the Cross
  2. Church Unity Issues
  3. Sexual Immorality within the Church
  4. Marriage and Family Issues
  5. Avoid Behavior that Causes Other Believers to Stumble
  6. Pastors, Compensation, and Commitment to Ministry
  7. Avoid Idolatry
  8. Warnings Concerning the Abuse of the Lord's Supper
  9. Warnings Concerning the Abuse of Spiritual Gifts
  10. False Teachers and the Theology of the Resurrection


III.   The Second Letter Paul Wrote to the Church at

Theme: Made New in Christ
Key Verses: II Corinthians 5:17-21
Major Discussions:

  1. Suffering and God's Divine Purposes
  2. Proper Sorrow in the Church and Laboring
                      for the Joy of the Church
  3. The Marks of a Sincere Ministry
  4. The Marks of Authentic Preaching
  5. Suffering and the Eternal Weight of Glory
  6. A New Creation in Christ
  7. Ambassadors for Christ
  8. The Moral and Spiritual Purity of the Church
  9. Christian Giving
  10. The Sufficiency of God's Grace in the Midst of Suffering