Instructions about Money, Part 3; Matthew 6:19-34 Do Not Be Anxious

August 21, 2016

Series: Sermon on the Mount: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Passage: Matthew 6:19-34

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

Background to the text

  • Three Main Commands about money
    • Store Up Treasures in Heaven
    • Do Not Be Anxious
    • Seek First the Kingdom of God

Exposition of Matthew 6:25-32

  1. For this reason: because we cannot serve God and wealth, Matthew 6:24
  2. Do not be anxious
  • Because life is more than food and clothes, Matthew 6:25
  • Because God feeds the birds and we are worth more to Him than birds so we can trust Him to feed us, Matthew 6:26
  • Because anxiety will not add a single minute to our life, Matthew 6:27
  • Because God clothes flowers in splendor, even though they only last a few days, and we are worth more and last longer than flowers so He will clothe us, Matthew 6:28-30
  • Because anxiety causes us to pursue this world like an unbeliever and we should live differently than the world by trusting our Heavenly Father, Matthew 6:31-32
  • Because anxiety sets our mind on the concerns of tomorrow and takes our attention off the kingdom work that is right now, Matthew 6:33-34