Instructions about Money, Part 4; Matthew 6:19-34 Seek First the Kingdom

August 28, 2016

Series: Sermon on the Mount: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Passage: Matthew 6:19-34

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

I.     Store up Treasure in Heaven: Treasure here will not last, but heavenly
       treasure lasts forever; plus we cannot serve both God and money,
       Matthew 6:19-24

II.   Do not be anxious: because God, who provides for the birds and the
       flowers, promises even more so to provide for our needs, Matthew 6:25-32

III.  Seek First the Kingdom, Exposition of Matthew 6:33
       A.  Seek First

    • “Seek” - To pursue, to set our minds and desires upon, to spend our energy and resources, to have our affections stirred by
    • Seek the kingdom before seeking “all these things” - food, clothes, shelter

            B.  His Kingdom

      • The kingdom of God represents the reign, authority, and will of God, Matt. 6:10
      • The kingdom of God is good news and is connected to Jesus Christ, the rightful king, Matt. 4:23, 9:35
      • We must prepare for the kingdom of God by repenting of sins, Matt. 3:2, 4:17
      • We must enter the kingdom of God with childlike faith, humility, and by doing the will of the Heavenly Father, Matt. 5:3, 7:21, 18:1-4, 19:14
      • We experience the kingdom of God both now (in part) and in the future (in full), Matt. 10:7, 13:44-46, 26:29
      • We will receive a reward when the fullness of the kingdom of God comes, Matt. 25:34
      • We maximize that reward in the kingdom of God by living a humble, gracious, gentle, righteous, servant type life with Christ-like imitation, Matt. 5:3, 5:19-20, 6:1-18, 18:1-4

            C. His Righteousness

      • We must pursue God’s righteous standard as much as daily food, Matt. 5:6
      • Pursuing righteousness may bring persecution, Matt. 5:10
      • Righteousness must mark the life of any person entering God’s kingdom, but righteousness should not be done with the purpose of impressing others, Matt. 5:20, 6:1

            D. All These Things Will Be Added To You

      • God will take care of our basic needs
      • We must seek His kingdom and His righteousness