Instructions about Money, Parts 1 and 2; Store Up Treasures in Heaven

August 14, 2016

Series: Sermon on the Mount: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

Background to the text

Three Main Commands about money

  1. Store Up Treasures in Heaven
  2. Do Not Be Anxious
  3. Seek First the Kingdom of God


Exposition of Matthew 6:19-24

Treasure Language in Sermon on the Mount

  • —Matthew 5:11-12 , 6:1, 6:3-4, 6:6, 6:17-18


Treasure Language in the Gospel of Matthew

  • —Matthew 13:44, Matthew 19:16-30


Do Not Store Up for Yourselves Treasures on Earth

  • —Earthly Treasures Will Not Last: Natural deterioration, Sinful assaults


Instead Store Up for Yourselves Treasures in Heaven

  • —Because Heavenly Treasures Last Forever
  • —Because Treasures Indicates the Condition of Our Heart


Two Illustrations

  1. Light and Darkness
  • — Either the eye is clear, the whole body is full of light
  • — Or the eye is clouded, the whole body is full of darkness
  1. Master and Slave
  • — Either we will love God and serve Him
  • — Or we will love money and serve it


Hording treasures on earth clouds our thinking and enslaves us to money.

Hording heavenly treasures provides clear understanding and binds us to God.