January 21, 2018

January 21, 2018

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Passage: 1 Peter 4:12-19

Speaker: Zach Van Veldhuizen

1. The nature of suffering

           1. Suffering as a result of sin    v.15

               murderer, thief, evildoer, meddler

           2. Suffering as a Christian    v.16

II. Christian's response to suffering

           1. Don't be surprised but rejoice    v.12-14

                          a. Suffering is not strange but normal

                          b. Suffering is not a curse but a test

                          c. Suffering is participation in Christ

                          d. Suffering results in God's glory

            2. Don't be ashamed but glorify God    v.16

                          a. Sin brings shame, Christ brings glory

                          b. He bore our shame, let's bear his name

            3. Entrust your soul to your Creator while doing good    v.19

                           a. This is God's will for you in Christ

                                         1. As opposed to suffer for sin being a                                                     murderer or thief

                                         2. Such suffering is no accident but                                                         according to his plan

                            b. Trust God in the suffering

                                          1. With your soul

                                          2. With your good works