Lord over the Everlasting Church

May 21, 2017

Series: Jesus Christ is Lord

Passage: Colossians 1:9-20

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

Jesus Christ Is Lord: Meditations on Colossians 1:9-20

Lord over the Everlasting Church

I.    Christ is Lord of the Church

  • Portraits of the Relationship:  head and body, bride and groom, husband and wife, vine and branches, shepherd and sheep, cornerstone and building
  • Jesus Christ is Head of the Church

II.   Christ is Preeminent over Death and Everlasting Life

  • The Power of Death
    (See Romans 5:12-21, Hebrews 2:14-15)
  • The Power of Christ over His own Life, Death and Resurrection
    (See John 10:18, Acts 2:24)
  • The Power of Christ over our Life, Death and Resurrection
    (See Romans 8:38, I Corinthians 15, Philippians 3:10)

III.   Christ is Lord so that He Will Hold the Place of Preeminence in Everything