Lord Over the Power of Sin and Death, Part 3

April 23, 2017

Series: Jesus Christ is Lord

Passage: Colossians 1:9-20

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

I.   God the Father…, Colossians 1:12-20

  • Qualified Us:
    • “Made us fit.”  “Given us the right.”
    • (See John 1:12-13)
  • Rescued Us:
    • From the domain, or dominion, or rule of darkness
    • (See Matthew 27:42-43, Galatians 1:3-4)
    • (See John 3:19-20, Luke 22:52-53, Luke 23:44)
  • Transferred Us:
    • From the rule of darkness into the kingdom of His beloved Son
    • (See Ephesians 6:12)
  • Redeemed Us:
    • To purchase us from bondage
    • (See Exodus 6:5-6)
    • Forgave Us:
      The removal of the guilt for the moral and legal offenses we have committed against God
    • (See Luke 5:17-26)
  • Reconciled Us:
    • To restore our relationship with Him
      (See Romans 5:10-11)
  • Made Peace with Us:
    He has brought an end to the hostilities that we initiated against Him
    (See Romans 5:1)

II.  Through the saving work of His Son on our behalf, Colossians 1:14, 20

III. So that the Son of God would have first place in everything, Colossians 1:18-19