Meditations on Colossians 1:9-20 Lord Over History

April 9, 2017

Series: Jesus Christ is Lord

Passage: Colossians 1:9-20

Speaker: Daniel Sweet


I.    The Fight Over Who Gets To Take Center Stage

II.   The Uniqueness of the Life of Christ

  1. All of Biblical History Points to Christ
  2. The Uniqueness of the Birth of Christ
    1. The Nature of His Birth
    2. The Timing of His Birth
  3. The Uniqueness of the Teachings of Christ
  4. The Uniqueness of the Miracles of Christ
  5. The Uniqueness of the Triumphal Entry
  6. The Uniqueness of the Claims by Christ to His Own Identity
  7. The Uniqueness of the Death and Resurrection of Christ

III.  The Impact of the Life of Christ on Others

  1. The Impact on His Early Followers
  2. The Impact on Church History and World History
  3. The Impact on Individuals for the Last 2000 Years

IV.  Postscript: History Still Yet To Be Written Belongs to Christ