Part 2: Expectations and Responsibilities for Giving for the Believer and for the Church

March 19, 2017

Series: Made New in Christ: A Study in 2 Corinthians

Passage: 2 Corinthians 8:10-9:15

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

II Corinthians: Made New in Christ

Part 2: Expectations and Responsibilities for Giving for the Believer and for the Church, II Corinthians 8:10-9:15

I.   The Expectations for Giving for the Believer, II Corinthians 8:10-15, 9:1-15

  • Be ready in advance to give; plan and prepare
  • Give in proportion to what you have
  • Give in a manner that encourages equality
  • Give in a way that meets legitimate needs in the churches
  • Give with the principle of reaping and sowing in mind
  • Give cheerfully; not grudgingly and not under compulsion
  • Give liberally
  • Look to God, as He is the provider for our needs
  • Give so that those who receive the benefit of your gift will glorify God for your obedience and your faithfulness to the Gospel

II.  The Expectations for Giving for the Church, II Corinthians 8:16-24

  • Integrity of the people handling money,
  • Gospel focus of the people and ministry involved
  • Accountability in the handling of money
  • Integrity of the cause
  • Accountability and transparency to the whole church