Praying with Confidence to our Father, Praying for Goodness from our Father; Matthew 7:7-11

September 11, 2016

Series: The Sermon on the Mount

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Passage: Matthew 7:7-11

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

The Sermon on the Mount

Praying with Confidence to our Father,

Praying for Goodness from our Father; Matthew 7:7-11


Rejoinder, Matthew 7:6,

  • What is holy? 

o   Your life, the word of God, your resources, your relationships, your ministry, your treasures: in short, anything in your life that God holds as sacred

  • Who are the dogs and hogs?

o   Anyone who holds the sacred things of God with distain


Exposition of Matthew 7:7-11

I.    Praying with Confidence to our Father, Matthew 7:7-8

  • Verb form implies an ongoing action: keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking (see Luke 11:5-10 with associated parable)
  • Commitment by God to persistent, consistent, faithful prayer: He will answer


II.   Praying for the Father’s Goodness, Matthew 7:9-11

  • The analogy of an earthly father who knows how to respond to the request of a child with the good of the child in mind
  • The superlative comparison, “how much more” with reference to God our Father