Prophet, Priest and King Part 1 of 3

December 6, 2020

    Series: Christ as Prophet, Priest and King

    Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

    Speaker: Daniel Sweet

    Prophet, Priest and King

    2000 years ago God dramatically altered human history when He stepped into time and space through the birth of His Son. From the beginning of this event, the announcements to Mary and Joseph, the angelical proclamation to the shepherds, the anticipation and fulfilled promises to Simeon and Anna, and the visit by the wise men from the east, the purposes of Christ’s coming began to unfold. An angel informed Joseph that Mary would have a Son who would “save His people from their sins.” The angels revealed to the shepherds that “there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” A Savior was born to save us. But the question arises, “to save us from what?” He came to save us from our rebellion against a holy God. The Bible is God’s divine revelation. The Bible reveals to us that sin entered the world through the first family. Sin brought chaos, strife, and destruction. God stepped into the devastation of this sinful world through His work in people like Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and the prophets and priests. Each of God’s interventions revealed the grace of God and the seriousness of sin. No moral law, no prophetic voice, no sacrifice and no earthly king was found that could sufficiently overcome the power and dominion of sin.
    Then Good News came. As powerful as sin dominates our lives and the world, Christ is greater. Historically, God’s work in human history displayed our need in the areas of revelation, redemption, and sovereignty. Revelation opens our eyes to the reality of our desperate condition of being separated from a holy God because of our sinfulness. Redemption provides a just means for the sinner to be reconciled to God. The sovereign reign of a perfect king offers hope to the sinner of one-day living completely free from sin and its devastating consequences.
    Christ is God’s ultimate revelation. The Bible divinely provides for us a knowledge of God. The greatest knowledge we could ever possess is the primary revelation that God has sent His Son into the world to be our Savior. Revelation opens the mind but cannot sufficiently save. Knowing we are sinners and that God intends to save us is absolutely necessary. Christ fulfills the vital role of prophet as He reveals His Father’s plan. He is the Prophet of God, speaking truth to broken sinners, warning us of our sin, and warning of the coming judgment, pleading for us to repent and turn to God’s mercy. His prophetic ministry provides us with understanding that the fullness of God’s revelation comes from saving us through grace. Revelation concerning God’s holiness and our sinfulness is absolutely necessary for our salvation. It is necessary but not sufficient. Christ is our Great Prophet but He is more.
    Redemption grants to the sinner what we could never warrant on our own. God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, pays the full payment for our sin. We deserved eternal death and condemnation. God transfers our sin to Christ. Jesus Christ offers the sacrifice of His own life in our place. Unlike the priest of the Mosaic Law, Christ offers Himself as an all-sufficient sacrifice. In His divine perfection, Christ lived under the Law of Moses with complete fulfillment of the Law’s demands. In His death, Christ paid the price for all sinners who will put their faith in Him. In His resurrection, Christ provides the means for life out of death. We were dead in our sins. Christ died as a sacrifice for our sins, offering Himself to God to bring reconciliation. He is our Great High Priest. However, God’s revelation of His divine plan through Christ our Great Prophet and God’s redemptive plan through Christ our Great High Priest is sufficient to bring forgiveness, but the longing of the heart is so much more. We were made to see, know, experience and enjoy the God who saves forever. Christ is the Great Prophet sent into the world to reveal His Father’s plan. Christ is the Great High Priest, offering Himself to save us from the judgment of our sin. However, there is even more.
    Freedom from sin involves a new world ruled by a new sovereign. The first coming of Christ was in abject poverty and humility. He became like one of us in order to save us from our brokenness. Now that redemption from sin has been provided, we need someone to come and reign, to free us ultimately from the reign of sin over our lives. Christ reigns as the Sovereign One over the universe now. However, there will come a day when His sovereignty will break over this world in His dramatic return. Unlike the humility of the first coming, when Christ comes again He will usher in an everlasting kingdom. Sin will be banished forever. Death, the prevailing evidence of sin’s dominion over us, will be banished as well. All of those who reject Him will fall under the judgment and condemnation of Christ. Christ is the great and mighty King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He reigns forever to save.
    Christ is our Great Prophet, Our Great High Priest and Our Great Sovereign King.
    Sunday Evening Service
    Pastor Daniel Sweet