The Body of Christ and the Use of Spiritual Gifts, Romans 12:3-8

October 18, 2015

Series: Romans: How Can Imperfect People Ever Be Right Before A Perfect God

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Passage: Romans 12:3-8

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

The Body of Christ and the Use of Spiritual Gifts, Romans 12:3-8


I.        When Using Spiritual Gifts...

          A.      Be Humble

          B.      Think Clearly

          C.      Trust God


II.      We Are One Body in Christ and Made for the Benefit of One Another

          A.      The human body is

                    1.       Made up of many parts

                    2.       The many parts have a                                           variety of functions

                    3.       The many parts work                                             together for the benefit of the                               body

          B.      The church also is

                    1.       Made up of many people

                    2.       The many people have a                                       variety of functions

                    3.       The many people work                                           together for the benefit of the                               whole church


III.     Use Your Gifts

          A.      All gifts come to us by God's grace

          B.      All gifts must be used according to                      God's grace

          C.      A sample of the types of gifts used                      within the church

                    1.       Prophecy - speaking with                                     authority the truth that God                                 has revealed for the benefit                                   of the church

                    2.       Service - working to serve the                               needs of the church and her                                 members

                    3.       Teaching - explaining the                                     truth of God's Word for the                                   benefit of the church

                    4.       Exhorting - encouraging                                       others to live out their faith

                    5.       Giving - sharing resources                                     with the those in need

                    6.       Leading - administrating to                                   maximize the joy and                                             ministry of the church

                    7.       Showing mercy - encouraging                               and supporting someone who                               is suffering