The Fading Glory of the Work of Moses through the Law, the Lasting Glory of the Work of Christ through the Spirit, II Corinthians 3:7-11

October 9, 2016

Series: Made New in Christ: A Study in 2 Corinthians

Passage: 2 Corinthians 3:7-11

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

Background: The Nature of Glory

  • God’s glory is a comprehensive term that describes the summation of all of His attributes. 
  • The glory of God describes all that God is and all that He has done. 
  • His individual attributes of love, power, faithfulness, justice, wisdom, grace, wrath, mercy, patience, knowledge, kindness, truthfulness, presence, etc., allow us to see, know and experience the comprehensive nature of God’s glory. 


I.       The Ministry through Moses and the Law

A.      A ministry of death…came with glory

B.      A ministry of condemnation…has glory

C.      That which fades away…has no glory now in comparison to Christ


II.      The Ministry through of Christ by the Holy Spirit

          A.      The Ministry of the Spirit…even more glory

          B.      Ministry of righteousness…abounds in glory

          C.      That which remains…because it so greatly surpasses the Law of Moses