The Faithlessness of People Does Not Negate the Faithfulness of God, Romans 9:6-18

June 28, 2015

Series: Romans: How Can Imperfect People Ever Be Right Before A Perfect God

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Passage: Romans 9:6-18

Speaker: Daniel Sweet


The Faithlessness of People Does Not Negate the Faithfulness of God, Romans 9:6-18


  1. The Majority of Israel Rejects the Good News of Jesus Christ


  1. God's Sovereignty Election which Worked in Israel's Favor in the Past
  2. Jacob and Esau

                   God's selection of Jacob over Esau was

  1. Despite their common heritage in Abraham
  2. Despite having not yet been born
  3. Despite Esau being the first born


  1. Moses and Pharaoh

                   God's selection of Moses over Pharaoh was

  1. Based on the will of God, not the will of people
  2. Based on the purposes of God