The Glory of God and the Encounter with Moses, II Corinthians 3:7-18

October 2, 2016

Series: Made New in Christ: A Study in 2 Corinthians

Passage: 2 Corinthians 3:7-18

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

II Corinthians: Made New in Christ
The Glory of God and the Encounter with Moses, II Corinthians 3:7-18

Background to Moses at Mount Sinai

  1. Israel in Bondage in Egypt
  2. Moses’ Birth and Adoption by Pharaoh’s Daughter
  3. At Age 40, Moses Defends a Jewish Slave by Killing an Egyptian
  4. Moses Runs to Midian
  5. God Encounters Moses at the Burning Bush
  6. The First Nine Plagues, Followed by the Passover and the Tenth Plague
  7. The Exodus, Parting of the Red Sea and the Arrival at Mount Sinai
  8. The Initial Receiving of the Ten Commandments and the Golden Calf Incident at Mount Sinai
  9. The Second Receiving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai
  • The request of Moses: “Show me Your glory.”
  • The certainty of death for any who see God’s glory
  • The partial revelation of the glory of God
  • The impact on Moses, transfigured by the glimpse of the glory of God
  • The request of the people: “Hide God’s glory”
  • The veil to protect the people and to protect the pride of Moses

      10. Meaning of the Glory of God and the Implication for Believers in Christ