The Gospel: Seeing the Glory of God in Christ

November 6, 2016

Series: Made New in Christ: A Study in 2 Corinthians

Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

II Corinthians: Made New in Christ
The Gospel: Seeing the Glory of God in Christ, II Corinthians 4:3-6

Background: The Nature of Glory

God’s glory is a comprehensive term that describes the summation of all of His attributes. 

The glory of God describes all that God is and all that He has done. 

His individual attributes of love, power, faithfulness, justice, wisdom, grace, wrath, mercy, patience, knowledge, kindness, truthfulness, presence, etc., allow us to see, know and experience the comprehensive nature of God’s glory. 


I.   What is the Gospel?

      A.  God’s ultimate goal for His creation is to put on display His glory
      B.  God is seen as glorious in His...

  1. Creation
  2. Works in temporary affairs of human history
  3. Works in eternally saving individuals

      C.  God’s greatest display of His glory is in His Son, Jesus Christ

  1. In His perfect life, miraculous works and teachings
  2. In His death and resurrection on behalf of sinners
  3. In His saving work of all who believe in Him
  4. In His everlasting transformation of all who believe
  5. In His revelation of His glory forever to all who believe


II.  What does it mean to be lost? 

  1. Perishing for failure to see, know, experience and enjoy the glory of God in Christ Jesus
  2. Blinded to God’s glory in Christ due to the evil forces at work in this world and in their lives


III.   What is salvation? 

  1. The spiritually dead come to life
  2.   The spiritually blind can see
  3. God speaks concerning His glory on display in His Son, Jesus Christ and a person believes