The Nature of Love, Part 2: I Corinthians 13:4-5

December 20, 2015

Series: The Centrality of the Cross: A Study in 1 Corinthians

Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

Love is

  • Patient: Undisturbed by weaknesses, delays and struggles of others
  • Kind: Actively seeks good, care, help and encouragement of others


Love is not

  • Jealous: Resentful of others’ successes, relationships, stations in life, prestige, or stuff
  • Boastful: Looking for credit, awards, accolades, complements, or recognition
  • Proud: Self-righteous, conceited, overconfident, or arrogant
  • Rude: Bad-mannered, angry, offensive, or unpleasant


Love does not

  • Demand its own way: Selfish, self-serving, manipulative, or controlling
  • Act irritably: Grouchy, bad-tempered, cranky, or grumpy
  • Keep a record of being wronged: No score cord