The Parables of Lostness, The Lost Coin, Luke 15:8-10

March 5, 2017

Series: Parables

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Passage: Luke 15:8-10

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

The Parables of Jesus;
The Parables of Lostness, The Lost Coin, Luke 15:8-10

Context, Luke 15:1-2

The Parable of the Lost Coin

·       No parallel passage in the New Testament

·       Luke frequently pairs accounts dealing with both men and women

·       There is a progression of significance from 100 sheep to 10 coins

·       There is also an argument from the lesser to the greater, similar to the flowers and birds analogy of the Sermon on the Mount, are you not worth more than coins and sheep

Theology of the Lost Coin, Similar to the Lost Sheep

·       The woman’s search to recover what is hers is like Christ’s pursuit of a sinful, lost person

·       The woman’s search, which includes a careful, persistence until the coin is found, is like Christ’s careful, persistence in pursuing a sinful, lost person

·       The woman’s joy over the coin that is found, is like Christ’s joy over the recovery of a sinful, lost person

·       The woman’s invite to celebrate with her friends over her recovery, is like Christ receiving sinners and eating with them