The Preaching Ministry of John Wesley: The New Birth, John 3:7

June 26, 2016

Series: Stealing Dead Men’s Words: Sermons from Church History

Passage: John 3:7

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

Stealing Dead Men’s Words: Sermons from Church History

The Preaching Ministry of John Wesley: The New Birth, John 3:7


  • Born in Epworth, England 1703
  • Began work at Oxford 1720
  • Joined the “Holy Club” started by his brother; later known as “The Oxford Methodists”
  • John and Charles Wesley travelled to Savannah, Georgia to lead the newly established parish church
  • During the trip a severe storm along with an encounter with Moravians greatly impacted John Wesley
  • Religious life and spurned love in the American colonies and an escape back to England
  • The “Aldersgate Experience”
  • Began open air preaching even with great opposition from Anglican church
  • Recruited and trained many lay ministers to expand the ministry
  • Took the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the most downtrodden of English society
  • During his life he "rode 250,000 miles, gave away 30,000 pounds... and preached more than 40,000 sermons... "


The New Birth

"You must be born again." John 3:7

I.      The Two Great Foundational Doctrines of Christianity

  1. The doctrine of justification: the great work God does for us
  2. The doctrine of the new birth: the great work God does in us

II.     The Necessity of the New Birth

III.   The Nature of the New Birth

IV.    The Evidence of the New Birth