The Sincerity of Ministry on Display in the Hearts of Faithful Believers, II Corinthians 2:17-3:6

September 25, 2016

Series: Made New in Christ: A Study in 2 Corinthians

Passage: 2 Corinthians 2:17-3:6

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

“Peddling the word of God”

  1. “Peddling” meaning “to sell deceitfully”
  2. With impure motive
  3. Abusing the word of God as a way to get influence, prestige or wealth
  4. “Many” so this is a common problem in the early church, just it is as today

 But as from Sincerity

  1. “Sincerity” Meaning “tested by the light of the sun”
  2. Term that comes from the market place to insure that pottery was whole
  3. Preaching Christ with purity of motive
  4. Tested by God Himself, from God, in the sight of God

 The Debate Over Credentials

  1. Paul pointed to the Corinthian believers as evidence of his sincere ministry
  2. The work of the abiding Spirit of God provided "written" evidence
  3. The "super" apostles carried written letters to prove their credibility
  4. Paul, under the power of the Spirit in the new covenant, looked to the Spirit's life giving work as the only proof he needed to prove his credibility