This Treasure in Earthen Vessels, II Corinthians 4:7-12

November 20, 2016

Series: Made New in Christ: A Study in 2 Corinthians

Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:7-12

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

I.      This Treasure: The Knowledge of the Light of the Glory of God as Seen in the Person of Jesus Christ
II.    Contained in Earthen Vessels: Temporary, Common, Frail, Fragile and Broken Human Bodies


III.    So that God Would Get the Credit: It Would Be Obvious that God’s Power Does the Work of Saving and Not Human Ability


God put the immeasurable treasure of the knowledge of the light of His glory in the person of Christ into frail, fragile, and broken believers so that when individuals believe in Christ and are saved, it will be attributed entirely to the work of God.


IV.   The frail, fragile, and broken nature of believers can be seen in their trials

V.    Believers display the death of Jesus in trials so that Jesus may be seen by the world