Triumphant Procession: The Power of God in Our Ministry and Message, II Corinthians 2:12-2:17

September 18, 2016

Series: Made New in Christ: A Study in 2 Corinthians

Passage: 2 Corinthians 2:12-17

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

Paul’s Suffering for the Sake of the Ministry of Christ
God’s Comfort and Deliverance in Paul’s Ministry

The ancient tradition of the triumphal procession of a king
The aroma of the burning of incense and the tossing of flowers from the parade crowd

Those who belong to the king smell the aroma as the sweet aroma of victory

Those who are defeated smell the aroma as the stench of death

I.   The Sweet Aroma of the Knowledge of God

  • Paul is following Christ in triumphant procession by offering up his life
  • Paul’s life and his saving message of Christ for the world is the incense
  • To those who belong to Christ, this burning incense is the aroma of life

II.  The Stench of Death to those outside of Christ

  • Same message, different response: same smell, different reaction
  • The defeated foes are those who reject Paul’s ministry and message, who are using the word of God for their own personal gain
  • To them, because they are perishing, Paul’s ministry and message is a stench