We Believe: In the Covenant Nature of the Local Church

May 15, 2016

Series: What We Believe

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

From Matthew Road Constitution…

God places His people in fellowship in local congregations by His sovereign will in order to worship and to serve, to love and care for others, to pray, to learn, to give, and if necessary, to die, all for the sake of the Gospel. Church membership conveys both privilege and responsibility, both sacrifice and reward, both serving others and being served. Because God gifts us all as He sees fit and adds us to His church as He sees fit, we all have roles to play in the life of the church - places of service and places of ministry. Every member, properly living out his faith and diligently using his gifts and resources, is important to the life and mission of the church. Because God includes members in the local church by His volition, membership is not a casual thing, neither to be entered into nor ended casually. Church membership is covenantal in nature.


I.       The Universal Church and the Local Congregation

II.     The Nature of a Covenant

         Old Testament Covenants: Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Israel, Jeremiah

         New Testament Covenants: Believers, the Church

III.    The Nation of Israel and the Local Church as a Covenant Community:

  1. Connected as a Family to One Another and to God
  2. Mutual Care
  3. Mutual Service
  4. Moral and Theological Standards within the Community
  5. Individual Accountability
  6. Corporate Accountability