We Believe: In the Purpose and Practices of the Autonomous Local Church

April 17, 2016

Series: What We Believe

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

From Matthew Road Statement of Faith…

We believe the purpose of the church is to honor Christ’s life, death, and resurrection for us by worshipping, preaching the Word, celebrating the ordinances, giving of our resources, caring for widows and orphans, and seeking the salvation of the lost in our communities and around the world.  Our congregation is the interpretive authority on the Bible's meaning and application for purposes of MRBC’s faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline. The Lead Pastor, in consultation with the Ministerial Staff and the Deacon Body, will provide interpretive leadership to the congregation.


I.     We Believe the Purpose of the Church is to Honor Christ        


II.    We Believe the Practices by which the Church Honors Christ

  1. Worshipping
  2. Preaching
  3. Celebrating the ordinances
  4. Giving
  5. Caring
  6. Seeking the lost

III.  We Believe in the Autonomy of the Local Church in Fulfilling this Purpose and Following these Practices