What We Believe: The Mercy and Power of God in Saving Us

March 27, 2016

Series: What We Believe

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

From Matthew Road Statement of Faith…

We believe that God in His infinite mercy, through the substitutionary death of Christ, reconciles to Himself every person who receives the gift of salvation by repenting of their sins and believing in the atonement of Jesus Christ for sin. This is the only means of salvation. Humans, being dead in sin, are made alive by the power of the Holy Spirit, whereby they are enabled to exercise this faith and be justified by God.

I.    The Mercy of God: Withholding Judgment from Us
       A.  Infinite mercy through the death of Jesus in our place
       B.  Reconciling Himself to everyone who receives His gift of salvation
       C.  For any sinner who repents of their sin and believes in Jesus Christ
II.  The Power of God: Giving Eternal Life to Us
       A.  Displayed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ
       B.  Displayed by making us alive in Jesus Christ
       C.  Through the work of the Holy Spirit