What We Believe - Useful to Our Maker: The Sanctifying Work of God in Our Lives

April 3, 2016

Series: What We Believe

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

We Believe
“…always being ready to make a defense…” I Peter 3:15

Useful to Our Maker:
The Sanctifying Work of God in Our Lives

From Matthew Road Statement of Faith…

We believe God’s gracious purpose for people is their sanctification, which includes repentance characterized by a changed life and saving faith evidenced by kingdom service and good works.


I.   Sanctification Brought into Our Lives…

     A.  Through the Power of the Holy Spirit
     B.  Through the knowledge of the Bible
     C.  Through the Community of Fellow Christians

 II. Sanctification Impacting Our Lives…

     A.  By purify our thoughts, words and actions
     B.  By producing character and spiritual gifts to build up the church
     C.  By produce good works as a means of sharing our faith with others