Words of Life: The Nature and the Source of the Bible

October 23, 2016

Category: Sunday Evening Sermons

Passage: John 6:68-69

Speaker: Daniel Sweet

Words of Life:

The Nature and the Source of the Bible


“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.” John 6:68-69


I.   The Nature and the Source of the Bible: God is a God of revelation

The Bible reveals to us…
A.  The true witness to the nature and character of God
B.  The works of God throughout history
C.  The great work of the salvation of God in His Son, JesusChrist
     1.  As foretold in the Old Testament
     2.  As fulfilled in the New Testament

D.  The future plans God has for the world and His eternal kingdom
E.  The standards of God for righteousness, purity and good works

II.   The Source of the Bible: God Himself

A.  The authors of the Bible wrote under the authority and direction of God Himself, II Peter 1:16-21

  1. Though the Bible is a human work, the Bible came about by the work of the Holy Spirit in those human writers
  2. The Holy Spirit, while preserving the authors' works from error, did so without eliminating their specific concerns, historical context, or style
  3. This divine involvement in the writing process allowed the biblical writers to reveal God's message without error but in a language that spoke to their audience’s life and circumstances

B.  The Bible, because of the nature and character of God, is true
C.  The Bible, because of the nature and character of God, possesses authority
D.  The Bible, because of the nature and character of God, possesses power
E.  The Bible, because of the nature and character of God, leads and guides, II Timothy 3:10-18

  1. Teaches: things we should learn
  2. Rebukes: things we should stop
  3. Corrects: things we should change
  4. Trains: things we should start